We are here, for you.

Step into In Your Element, where everyone is welcome. Here, we delve into your unique journey, fostering growth to improve performance and wellbeing. Whether you've navigated the competitive waves of youth sports or traversed the diverse landscapes of life, our client-centered care will help guide your path. Together, we bring insights into mental skills that can be helpful in a variety of life experiences. Our passion for sport and performance psychology extends to the transformative journey of self-growth and healing as an individual. Join us in shaping the next chapter of your unique story. 

Meet Meghan Ingstrup

Registered Provisional Psychologist

the human behind In Your Element psychology

In the heart of my own journey, I navigated the competitive currents of youth sports, moving into the realm of collegiate athletics until an unexpected career-ending injury altered my course. This experience shaped an early understanding of the Canadian youth sports landscape including elite youth and university athletes, and the intersection of mental health and wellness in competitive environments.

I have had the privilege of completing Masters degrees in both Sport Psychology and Counselling Psychology. My unique blend of personal and educational experiences has allowed me to gain an in-depth understanding of the complexities of high performance and competitive environments in sport, creative arts, academic, and professional domains. I bring my blended experience to my counselling work, and explore personal and systemic factors that have shaped clients unique lived experiences. Taking a strength based approach, we work together to identify actionable tasks to help with behaviour change that will move clients toward their goals. The individuals I have worked with typically start to see improvement after a few sessions. However, please note that counselling and skill development requires active engagement which may include practicing skills consistently outside of session to see progress. I am honoured and privileged to join others on their journey towards self-growth, healing, and betterment. 

Beyond the four walls of In Your Element, my life unfolds through a variety of activities. Whether I'm biking down mountain trails or savouring the quietude of a yoga session, each moment is a canvas of discovery. Beyond adventuring, I’ve found a love for baking, reading, listening music on vinyl, and soaking in the sun while sharing moments with those who make life truly remarkable.